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Crop Insurance Overview

Farm Management Resources


农民已经注意到作物保险是他们最重要的农业风险管理工具. 有执照的代理人可以提供额外的信息,并帮助您购买适合您农业经营的保险. 使用本指南了解更多有关农业部门可用保险的信息.

Quick Facts

  • Virginia - Covers 1.2 million acres and provides $670.2 million in protection.
  • West Virginia - Covers 53,989 acres and provides $25.8 million in protection.
  • Maryland - Covers 835,085 acres and provides $414.5 million in protection.
  • Nationwide - In 2021, 超过4.6亿英亩的农田通过联邦作物保险计划(FCIP)得到保护.

What is Crop Insurance?


  • These policies are not part of the FCIP.
  • Protect high-yielding crops from hail damage.
  • Can be purchased at any time during the growing season.


  • Must be purchased prior to planting
  • 目前有15家私营公司被授权在美国农业部风险管理机构授权的FCIP下撰写MPCI政策.
  • 联邦政府还补贴农民支付的保险费,以减少农民的成本.

12 reasons why it is a valuable ag business tool:


  1. Farmers receive individualized risk management solutions
  2. Farmers can use it as collateral for loans
  3. 农民参与风险管理选择,并承担责任
  4. 农民可以用它来改善他们的收获前营销计划
  5. Farmers receive indemnities in the timeliest way
  6. Farmers do not receive unnecessarily excessive payments
  7. 农民赔偿不受任意支付限额的限制
  8. Farmers share in the program cost
  9. 农民受益于私营部门交付系统的效率和体育彩票正规app下载
  10. 是全面和程序功能可以快速调整
  11. Has already contributed to deficit reduction
  12. 是否具有灵活性,以帮助满足世界贸易组织的规定

购买牲畜保险是农业风险管理的一种选择. 制作人应该始终仔细考虑如何将政策与其他风险管理策略结合起来,以确保获得最佳结果. (


Livestock Risk Protection (LRP)

Feeder Cattle (LRP-Feeder Cattle)

  • Designed to insure against declining market prices.
  • 选择不同的保险等级和保险期限.
  • 全年可从风险管理机构(RMA)批准的牲畜保险代理人处购买.
  • 保险费率、保险价格和实际的最终价值每天都在网上公布.
  • 在预期价值的70%到100%之间选择保险价格.
  • At the end of the insurance period, 你会得到保险价格与实际期末价值之间差额的赔偿.

Dairy Revenue Protection (Dairy-RP)

  • 旨在确保相对于保证覆盖水平的牛奶销售季度收入意外下降.
  • 预期收入是根据牛奶和乳制品期货价格计算的, 以及由乳制品生产商选择的覆盖奶产量.
  • Dairy-RP offers two Revenue pricing options:
    • The Class Pricing Option
    • The Component Pricing Option
  • 覆盖范围是通过向保单添加季度覆盖背书来建立的.

Livestock Gross Margin

Livestock Gross Margin Cattle (LGM-Cattle)

  • 防止毛利损失(牲畜市场价值减去饲料成本).
  • 11个月保险期结束时的赔款是差额, if positive, 毛利率保证与实际毛利率之间.
  • lgm -牛保单使用期货价格来确定预期毛利率和实际毛利率.
  • 价格是基于芝加哥商品交易所集团,而不是基于市场价格.
  • LGM-Cattle does not insure against cattle death, 饲料使用量意外增加或饲料成本预期增加.
  • 您可以每周注册LGM-Cattle,并在11个月的滚动保险期内为您预计销售的所有产品投保.
  • Livestock Gross Margin Dairy (LGM-Dairy):
  • 当饲料成本上升或牛奶价格下降时,奶牛的牲畜毛利保险计划可提供保护,并可针对任何规模的农场进行定制.
  • 毛利率是牛奶的市场价值减去饲料成本.
  • LGM-Dairy uses futures prices for corn, soybean meal, 并确定牛奶的预期毛利率和实际毛利率.
  • 你可以投保的重量没有最小或最大的重量限制.
  • LGM-Dairy的价格基于芝加哥商品交易所集团期货合约每日结算价格的简单平均值, and are not based on the prices you receive at the market.
2024 Crop Insurance Deadlines
2/15Green pea sales closing
3/15Corn, soybean and spring crop sales closing
5/15Nursery sales closing
7/1Wheat and barley premium due
7/15Spring acreage report deadline
8/15Spring crop premium due
9/30Wheat and barley fall sales closing
11/20Orchard and vineyard sales closing
12/1Pasture, rangeland and forage sales closing

Download the Crop Insurance Resource Guide 

Learn more about Farm Credit Crop Insurance

Visit for additional information. 使用Agent Locator功能搜索保险代理和提供商信息.


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